The Dead Zone (Signet)

The Dead Zone - Stephen King Amazing, another stunning story coming from the King! I just can't stop reading a book of his once i started it, and The Dead Zone was no exception! It's about this guy, Johnny Smith, who discovers he can know things about people just by touching them, after he was involved in a really messy car-crash accident. And after this, the story just unfolds! I can't say anithing, so I don+t blow it for people who haven't read it, but I can tell you, it's not what you would expect!
Stephen King has this amazing ability to make the story seem real. Even if it seemed like it could be true, just for 5 seconds of your life, when you wake up and think - 'wait, that can't be', you have some doubts. And that is after about any book I've read from him. He is my favourite author, definetely.
I recommend this book to anyone that loves good action, good thinking, being a little (or a little more) scared and of course, really good writting.